illustration by @katyauspenskaya

March Tarotscopes: Slow and Steady

Aaaaand here we are… It’s March, folks. Three months already into 2020. How did that happen, you ask? To quote one of my favorite movies, “Time is a flat circle.” Go marinate on that for a minute.

So, what’s in store for March? Turns out, a lot of releasing, letting go, and receiving what your soul craves most. At the start of a new year, we like to come in hot: setting goals, invoking change, and embracing new routines. By month three, it’s time to ease up on the gas and slow things down a notch.

The tarot card for March is… Drum roll, please… The Knight of Cups.

Ahh, the Knight of Cups. Slow and steady on their horse, the Knight trusts the journey, whatever it brings. Sounds so simple, yet it’s quite difficult. You see, we’re so often fixated on the end result—the BIG accomplishment—that we forget that it takes small steps to get there. The Knight of Cups is a gentle, loving reminder that we can’t do it all at once. We don’t wake up one day, decide to be an astrophysicist, and then, BOOM, we’re giving lectures on gamma ray bursts and gravitational waves.

No, we go slow and steady, building momentum and learning as we go. Slow that nagging brain of yours down and take it one baby step at a time. This month may mean doing a bit of recalibrating and shifting of priorities. Take stock of what you’ve accomplished so far this year and open yourself up to areas where you may need to pivot.

The Knight of Cups also reminds us to open our hearts—receiving and giving love. It’s tempting to close ourselves off when we’re figuring things out and making decisions, but this is a reminder to remain open, to allow your cup to be filled with love from friends, family, fur babies, neighbors, coworkers, and yes, even landlords.

Now, it’s time to go a bit deeper. Let’s pick a tarot card for each zodiac sign, shall we?

Aries: The Hanged Man

Let that shit go. You can’t control everything, and trying to might be hurting you more than it is helping you. Got too many plates spinning? Set some of them down and prioritize. What needs your attention IN THIS MOMENT? Complete one task at a time, and release what you cannot change. It may be tempting to want to change the world, but there are moments when you must step back and let the universe work its magic. Now is one of those moments.

Taurus: The High Priestess

Ground down. Get close to the earth. You’re being called to recenter yourself and home in on your inner spirit. What is it telling you? Has it been difficult to get quiet these days? Has your meditation practice waned? Get back to the basics: Take a walk in nature. Dig your toes in the sand or soil. Take a warming bath. What does your body need? Get physical with it.

Gemini: The Empress

Receive, receive, receive. We have the tendency to give, give, give, but sometimes we must let go and be the one to receive. Ask yourself how you would like that to happen. Is it receiving more love from those around you? Schedule some get-togethers with close friends. Is it nourishment for your body? Dedicate this month to nourishing your gut with healthy, homemade meals and plenty of movement. Book a massage. You get the idea.

Cancer: Ten of Swords

This month might be a doozy but don’t worry, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With the Ten of Swords, you may experience some hardships or uncomfortable moments this month, but remember that those moments are opportunities for growth. Breathe into this discomfort—there is a new season on the other side. Be careful not to let your emotions carry you away. A daily pranayama or meditation practice can help you move through the conflict instead of resisting it or feeling overwhelmed by it. And remember to be patient and love yourself.

Leo: Knight of Swords

Whoa there, tiger! This month will fly by if you’re not careful. Since this month will likely be a busy one, it’s important to stay present, even when the present moment may feel totally chaotic. The Knight of Swords is all about speaking your truth; in fact, this chaos may have stemmed from you speaking up in certain areas of your life – at work, at home, with friends – and you’ve shaken things up. But no need to panic, you’re in control, so let this hectic time empower you to continue speaking your truth. No need to fight against it.


Virgo: Six of Swords

You can rest assured that this month, you’ll be entering calmer waters. The past few months may have been quite turbulent—at least internally—so this calm is a welcome respite. Breathe a bit deeper knowing your decisions and actions have gotten you to where you are now.

Libra: King of Cups

It’s time to regain control over your relationships that may have gone a bit haywire. Set up firm boundaries—be open and honest with sharing your needs with those around you. Be assertive in your decision-making and where you draw the line. As much as it’s easy for others to take the reigns, it’s important that we re-absorb that power.

Scorpio: Knight of Pentacles

Stop, recalibrate, and listen. Take stock of what’s going on in your life—what’s serving you and what’s not serving you. Get quiet. Slow it down a notch. Be intentional with your work, career, and the ways in which you make money. It could be a good time to clear out the clutter—figuratively speaking, but also literally. Clean out your closets and get rid of junk that’s collecting dust and not serving you anymore. Pay attention to how you spend your time, what you spend your money on, and the possessions you keep.


Sagittarius: The Fool

Does your daily routine feel a bit stagnant? Need a refresher? Let The Fool be your guide this month. You may be itching for some excitement or for the unknown, so reach for it! Let your intuition lead the way and resist the urge to question every little thing or inspect it with a fine-toothed comb. Sometimes, we can’t know something until we dive in and figure it out along the way. This doesn’t mean don’t use your brain, just a reminder to let your gut take action for a while.


Capricorn: Five of Cups

Oh darling, it’s gonna be okay. Allow yourself time to truly feel and grieve this month if you need to. Don’t sweep your emotions underneath the proverbial rug—that will only delay the inevitable. The Five of Cups asks us to process what is in front of us while staying hopeful for what lies ahead. Remember that with every dark night there is a bright morning around the corner. Remember this when you feel it’s all too much this month.


Aquarius: The Tower

Okay lovelies, don’t fret. The Tower—while a bit scary in the short term—is a blessing in the long term. The Tower burns away anything that doesn’t serve us anymore, allowing for fresh opportunities and new beginnings to sprout. Yes, it might feel scary as hell, but you’re on your way to living in more alignment with your truest self. So, take heart. March might feel like a beating, but you’ll come out the other side stronger, I promise.


Pisces: Eight of Cups

Exciting things are beginning to unfold, and it’s because you’re putting yourself out there and making moves toward your dreams. Go, you! Give yourself a nice pat on the back. This month is all about trusting your gut and keeping this momentum going. And if you’re thinking of forging your own path and making a big shift in your life, this month’s energy is in perfect alignment to do just that. Boy, are you brave!


Edited by Ely Bakouche

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