August Tarotscopes: A Test of Strength

For many of us, especially those of us who live in the States, 2021’s “comeback summer” feels like it’s grinding to a halt. With unknowns swirling around about new covid-19 variants and fear creeping back into the sidelines of our lives, it might feel as if we just took three steps back. It’s a strange time to be alive, that’s for sure. 

The card for the month of August is the Three of Swords. This month will test our strength and fortitude. We will be tired and prone to letting our emotions take over. While it’s necessary to grieve and let those emotions journey through you, be mindful of how you express yourselves with others and those around you. Things may get harder before they get better.

Now that we have this month’s overarching theme out of the way, let’s get down to your individual signs, shall we?


Leo: The High Priestess

You are celebrating another journey around the sun, Leos! The High Priestess asks you: are you living a life that is true to who you are, deep down? The High Priestess gives you confidence and belief to confront these questions. Use that strength and all-knowing power within you to speak up for what you need most at this juncture in your life. 



Virgo: Knight of Cups

You’ll need to keep a level head this month, Virgos. The Knight of Cups teaches us to keep a steady pace in life—moving forward with goals but with a measured step. A reminder not to overextend yourself this month. Perhaps that means August will feel a little dull, but sometimes that can be a good thing. 


Libra: Death

Transformation time! Libras, don’t be afraid of the Death card. It holds a powerful message that you are on the cusp of major change. Yes, something must die away for something new to be born and take its place. That is the spiral of life. If you look at it with that perspective, it’s actually quite beautiful and profound. Take your time through this month. 


Scorpio: Four of Cups, reversed

There’s something that you’ve been mourning over, dear Scorpios. Can you think of what it is? With the Four of Cups, three overturned cups lay in front of an individual, who bows their head in dismay. However, there is a fourth cup that is still upright that they cannot see. There is hope. In the reversed position, you’re beginning to uncover that fourth cup and understand that not all is lost. 



Sagittarius: Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is all about security and stability, especially in the realm of finances. Because you have built a steady foundation for yourself, you have the means to live a life that feels comfortable and safe. Be smart about how to maintain this steadiness. Perhaps it’s time to look at your future financial goals and assess how you’d like to move forward. 


Capricorn: Knight of Wands

You are experiencing certain freedom this month that will allow you to explore different creative avenues. Dig into this feeling—it is a breath of fresh air, Capricorns. Life is meant to be lived brightly. What does that look like for you? Think about that, and take action!


Aquarius: Knight of Pentacles

Of all the Knights in the tarot, the Knight of Pentacles is the slowest. But that’s not a bad thing. It means he takes his time getting to his destination. A stable and steady step is a lucrative way to meet your goals, especially as it relates to work and life (which the pentacles symbolize). Keep going at this pace, and you’ll reap rewards down the road. 


Pisces: Six of Pentacles and Page of Wands

Is there someone in your life who needs help? You may feel called to lend a helping hand. After all, you were in need of help earlier this year so now is the time to pay it forward. Giving back may even invigorate your life’s purpose and unleash something new and exciting within you. 



Aries: Eight of Pentacles and The Hanged One

At a certain point, you have to release your work into the world. By nature, you are a hard worker and take pride in what you do. However, you have the tendency to hang onto things near and dear to your heart, unwilling to let the world see what you’ve created. The Hanged One tells you that it’s okay to let go. 


Taurus: The Star

Take some time to slow down and get quiet. Life has been busy these last few months and sometimes those day-to-day demands can feel as if you’re losing a sense of yourself and what your soul needs. The Star is your excuse to retreat inward and practice saying no more in order to care for yourself. 

Gemini: The Tower

The Tower indicates some struggle may lay ahead. It could also mean that something you’ve been putting off dealing with is going to demand your attention now. It can no longer wait. That could mean that things fall apart before they can be rebuilt again. Trust your instincts during this time and call on your inner strength to help you get through to the other side.

Cancer: Three of Pentacles

You’re in the midst of building something amazing. It’s going to take time, but that’s all part of the journey. Close collaboration with others may help you progress a bit more quickly. It’s a beautiful thing to create something on your own but it can be equally rewarding to do it with others whom you love and trust.

What are tarotscopes?

“Tarotscopes” are a lot like horoscopes, except they blend tarot readings into the mix, offering a deeper layer of introspection and reflection. When I get ready to do a tarotscopes reading, I always start with a short meditation. I like to “drop in” and open myself up to the guidance and wisdom that the tarot cards have to offer. I then contemplate each individual sign, shuffling as I do, and ask what lessons or messages are emerging for that particular month. I draw a card for each sun sign, study the card’s imagery, and free-write my interpretation onto a blank page (letting my intuition guide me along the way). I repeat the process for all 12 signs, and there you have it!

Edited by Ely Bakouche

Featured illustration by Ksenia Sapunkova |

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